micro journal

A foggy day - mentally and physically.

A turkey on a porch at a door (black and white).

I didn't realize turkeys go door-to-door.

A turkey on a porch at a door (black and white).

A swollen river brought the end of so many paths to me. A point of reflection and birdwatching while retracing my steps - A walk of capillaries.

A long stretch and time for doodles.

Oh moss - you amaze me - a world within a world.

A northern shoveler tail with head under water - black and white with vignette.

A day of sorting books and decluttering while it drizzles. Yellow-rumped warblers chase each other and the wind nudges for attention every now and then.

I saw 8 northern harriers hunting together - what a sight! Also - lot's of northern shoveler tails.

A northern shoveler tail with head under water - black and white with vignette.

Games of Splendor, drive-by birding, and a walk in the sunshine with my mom by a lake.

Rainy walk + pumpkin soup + mint tea - a simple day

I saw a light in the forest. Practicing contentment today.

A drop of water on a twig with moss inside and a beam of light shining toward the viewer - a sparkle.

Sometimes I feel like I live in a painting.

pond with vignette and painting texture

My red oak friend's arms hold a habitat of moss an ferns that greet me on my walk with soggy shoes. I glimpsed the blue sky for a moment today.